War, war never changes, especially the most brutal least deadly, and silliest war of them all, the console wars. We had to participate in the never-ending war between Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. But it wasn't always this way.

The console war started in the early 90s between sega and Nintendo with the Super Nintendo and sega genesis being the first consoles that stood out. But long story short sega had more third-party games and blood and gore while Nintendo had better first-party games. There really wasn't a clear winner of this war yet during this generation you could really pick either of these consoles they're both pretty good.

Then comes 1995 macro was born. Nintendo 64 was advertised and marketed as a more family-friendly console and was opted for by most parents, sony had just joined the video game industry with the PlayStation but it was marketed for teens and adults with blood and gore. Meanwhile, the 64 was for kids and families with a few exceptions and the PlayStation was only for two players at most. But in this time period, the consoles had distinct differences and Microsoft wasn't even here yet sega was also selling Dreamcast and it had classics like sonic adventure and jet set radio. Sega ultimately was the first big casualty of the console wars never making consoles ever again.

The next generation is wild. Nintendo releases the GameCube with classics like Luigi's Mansion, double dash, and melee. Sony releases the Ps2 and Bill Gates is here with the box with an x on it and everyone's like yeah. But this war is over quicker than it begins Microsoft does a good job in its debut, Nintendo underperforms and sony sells the number one highest-selling console of all time. We had it, you had it, your mom had it why? Well, it was a dvd player unlike the GameCube with it's you know dumb baby discs but the games jack and Daxter, ratchet and clank, sly cooper, and kingdom hearts, and since the OG Playstation had discs before you could play your old Ps1 games on this bad boy too. So yeah during this generation sony clearly won but Nintendo and Microsoft would learn from their mistakes.

This next generation is the golden age of consoles since all three were pretty dope in their own ways. Microsoft had been busy perfecting online gaming and creating a new game, gears of war, and introduced a sequel to a game that to this day is most people's favorite game of all time. Growing up everyone had Halo 3 and this skyrocketed the sales of the Xbox 360. But the Ps3 was still dope initially it was a bit overpriced because it had to do these blu-ray shenanigans which did give it insane graphics but eventually the Ps3 did rise to the occasion with really amazing games like Uncharted 1-2-3, god of war, little big planet and the last of us. It was probably the first time that most people had both consoles. Then Nintendo decided to double down on being the console for family-friendly fun, so they created the Wii which was insanely fun with Wii sports brawl, Mario kart, and the usual Nintendo dopeness. The controller was so unique everything about it was so different from the Xbox and the Playstation at the time. This is also the time and trend where Nintendo essentially backed out of the console war and focused on dominating the family-friendly market something that Xbox and PlayStation didn't really focus on at all. The PSP did try to compete in the portable market but we all knew that Nintendo was going to win that. Oh yeah, and Xbox had the Konnect but besides just dance, it was kind of bad. However, by this point, people were so deeply Playstation fanboys or Xbox bros that it became difficult to logically discuss which console was better.

The most recent generation is the Xbox one/Playstation 4 and the Wii U/switch time. Nintendo released the Wii u and it was such a failure that they quickly released the Nintendo switch a couple years ago. We all want to forget about the Wii u even Nintendo every single Wii u game can be found on the switch. Now the switch is really cool, it's portable, it's easy to use, and it's for the family Nintendo will keep making stuff for the switch for a while because this perfectly hits their market. The Xbox One and the Ps4 are where the war has gotten brutal. For starters, Microsoft's biggest game Halo was no longer being made by Bungie who left to make destiny. A game is available on either platform. Halo was still a selling point but many fans did not like halo 4 or 5 and gears of war wasn't doing so hot either playstation however dominated. Ps4 had horizon, zero dawn, spider-man Detroit, and the last of us but macro Xbox has the game pass. It's to grant access to games that you've already played before or never wanted to in the first place. It's nice but it's not enough to make you buy a whole console that lacks exclusives although the Xbox one has backward compatibility and for a lot of people not being able to play your old games would be bad, if you want to play your old games just keep your old console. Selling it is never worth it

This brings us to the current day the Ps5 and the Xbox series x were both announced and both look pretty underwhelming. Both have games that wonder why couldn't we just play them on their current generation of consoles. Our strongest recommendation to Xbox fans is to save up for a PC. Why? Well, it looks like Microsoft may be going in a similar direction to sega and focusing on software over hardware. Their biggest game Halo infinite will also be released on pc and one of its best features is the Xbox games pass can be used on pc as well. So the only thing that the Xbox series x has is higher specs but with that logic, you might as well just get a pc because your pc can be built to have the highest specs higher than any Xbox series x. We wouldn't be surprised if Halo infinite sells as many if not more copies on PC. Sony on the other hand has a boatload of great exclusive games and won't be going anywhere anytime soon. We will most likely expect a bunch of sequels to a lot of these classics which would mean that Nintendo and sony would win the console wars, Nintendo for the family-friendly side, and sony for everybody else. Now obviously Xbox series x will sell copies but like the Dreamcast, if it doesn't do well it will signal the end of Microsoft consoles. But what you guys think. Is the console wars looking like it might end or it's still going to keep at it? Leave a comment below. See Ya!