There are several cars that are being developed or have been developed that could be considered "futuristic," in that they incorporate advanced technology and design elements that are not yet widely available in the market. Here are a few examples:

1.       Tesla Roadster

Tesla Roadster: This electric sports car, developed by Tesla, Inc., is expected to be one of the fastest production cars ever made, with a top speed of over 250 mph and a 0-60 mph acceleration time of under 1.9 seconds. It is expected to have a range of 620 miles on a single charge and is expected to be released soon.

2.       Toyota Mirai

Toyota Mirai: The Toyota Mirai is a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle that uses hydrogen as its primary fuel source to generate electricity, emitting only water vapor as a by-product. It has a range of over 300 miles and can be refueled in about 5 minutes. The Mirai has been available for purchase in select markets since 2015.

3.       Audi AI:Trail

Audi AI:Trail: This electric off-road vehicle, developed by Audi, is designed for use in a variety of terrains, including urban, off-road, and on the highway. It features a fully autonomous driving system and a design that is meant to be lightweight and aerodynamic. The AI: Trail is expected to be released soon.

4.       AeroMobil

AeroMobil: This flying car, developed by AeroMobil, is a hybrid vehicle that can transition between driving and flying modes. It has a range of around 430 miles and a top speed of around 200 mph in flying mode. The AeroMobil is expected to be available for purchase soon.

5.       Terrafugia TF-X:

Terrafugia TF-X: This electric flying car, developed by Terrafugia, is designed to be fully autonomous and capable of vertical take-off and landing. It has a range of around 500 miles and a top speed of around 300 mph in flying mode. The TF-X is expected to be available for purchase soon.

It's important to note that the availability and release dates of these vehicles are subject to change, and some of them may not become widely available for some time.